(W) Kelly Sue Deconnick (A) Phil Noto (CA) Jenny Frison
Former journalist Vaughn Barnes has been reduced to moonlighting as cameraman for the shoddy paranormal investigation cable TV show Phantom Finders. But when a curious device summons the specter of a beautiful, translucent woman, Vaughn is plunged into a mystery of criminal intrigue that spans two worlds! Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Noto launch their exciting new take on one of Dark Horse's most popular characters ever!
One of the best of Dark Horse Comics' short-lived Super-Hero line is revivied for a new century. Phil Noto's post-modern/noir style is perfect for this series about a sexy, crime-fighting spectre. I can't wait to see it! - Recommended by HOWARD.

(W) Chrisy Marx, Anthony Bedard (A) Aaron Lopresti & Various
In this new series featuring the long-awaited return of AMETHYST, Amy Winston leads a strange life on the road with her mother. She's about to learn why it's all been necessary when she discovers she's the lost princess of Gemworld - and has powerful enemies hunting her!
And in the backup story set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the monstrous warrior BEOWULF is charged with finding and defeating the evil Grendel.
DC Comics continues to introduce new versions of old characters into the New 52 Universe with this anthology title. Be here as the Princess of Gemworld is brought up-to-date to start her adventures in magic and intrigue. As a bonus, we also get to see the Beowulf legend re-imagined in a post-apocalyptic battleground of hunters and horrors. Recommended by PERRY.

(W) Mike Carey (A) Peter Gross
"What Fell Between." Let's take a step back here and find out exactly how Tom and Richie - not to mention the world - got into the mess they're in right now. The tumultuous events of the missing year, complete with ghosts, vampires and a surprise visit from Madame Rausch, are finally revealed.
This series just keeps getting better and better. Mike Carey has created a fascinating world around these characters, and now he is going back to fill in some of the missing pieces. I have my own theories about what happened to bring our reluctant hero to his current place - it will be interesting to find out how close I am to the "truth". Recommended by erin.

(W) Mark Waid (A) Chris Samnee
The biggest Daredevil story yet begins here, with the debut of a new menace to New York City - the killer called Coyote! And just how sane IS Matt Murdock, anyway?
Mark Waid continues to wreak havok in Matt Murdock's life with this series. How long can Matt keep up with the non-stop action he has been facing over the last year and a half? Judging by the teasers echoing across the Marvel line, in anticipation of the Marvel NOW re-launches, things don't look too good for the Man Without Fear. Recommended by MORGAN.